
You open your eyes. All around you is darkness and a strange feeling overwhelms you. There’s a loud noise on your right. You feel your heart beating faster and faster. You tremble…

Welcome to a new digital adventure with your team! Together you will have to find the way out of this virtual escape room. You have strange creatures to defeat, soldiers armed to the teeth and mysteries skillfully encoded by famous spies. The fight is a counter-clock one, and only those who prove skill, strategic thinking and team spirit will come out of it.


  • Strategic Thinking
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Decision making and Problem solving
Our achievements

Client testimonials:

  • I liked the Escape Room concept, very well thought out. During the teambuilding we practiced teamwork, looking at the whole picture and we also unlocked our foreheads 🙂

    NN România
  • It was a great experience! I managed to overcome certain impasses, it helped me to be more creative, more attentive to details and more confident in myself and my team.
