Training to decrease employee turnover


It is well known that people tend to leave a job when they do not feel important to managers, colleagues or the company. Stress and unhappiness are the most common causes of job resignations and absences. Although people tend to justify their attitude through low pay, the truth is that the underlying reasons for their non-involvement are demotivation, lack of success, lack of independence, fragile relationships, and distrust in their managers. Another element is the lack of confidence that they can change something for the better.


  • Identification and differentiation of persuasion cases from negative manipulation cases
  • Ethical and fair use of persuasion methods to achieve a higher degree of team cohesion and personal level of development
  • Laying the foundations of persuasive communication
  • Intervention by positive persuasion methods to improve critical situations of a project


Demotivational factors:

  • Salary
  • The importance of healthy relationships
  • The value of personal accomplishments
  • The power of ownership
  • The importance of freedom
  • The power of courage

Why do people take time off work?

  • Statistics and information about absenteeism and other effects of stress
  • Why do people say yes when they think no?
  • Why are you missing rather than solving your problems?
  • What do employees never say to their managers?

How to increase team motivation?

  • How to make peace with mistakes made in the past and how to restore relationships
  • Setting expectations
  • Listening to people, confirmation that they were heard
  • Creating a new direction
  • Establish a method that people can use to make sure things happen according to their goals
  • Ownership and accountability projects
  • Innovation projects, brainstorming and problem-solving sessions
  • Reward the results
  • Methods and criteria
  • Feedback 360
  • Proof of responsibility and courage
  • Fostering courage and independence
  • Decision-making and risk-taking can deliver better results than adopting the safety method
Petru Păcuraru
Petru graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies, with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. He has completed a Master’s degree in Project Management at Kenessaw State University in the United States, and the Aspen Institute – Young Leaders Program. He is the founder of HPDI (Human Performance Development International, consultant, and coach in executive…
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Client testimonials:

  • The fact that you are presented with new angles, case studies and personal experiences instructs you to reflect on things, to look at them from many angles before acting instinctively. The warmth that the trainer conveys gives you confidence and a sense of well-being.

    Dräxlmaier România